Personal Information

Md Shihabur Rahman

Personal Statement

I am interested in obtaining any challenging position, in a challenging environment that focuses on R&D and best practices.

Work Experience

July 2020 - Continuing

Software Engineering Consultant

Infineon Technologies AG, Munich (Germany)

Infineon's Department: IFAG DCI WPD POS

Infineon Technologies AG is the largest semiconductor manufacturer in Germany and one of the ten largest in the world. I am responsible for:

  •  Developing and extending features of existing Infineon Tools, like IPOSIM, Solution Finder, Block Diagram Builder.
  •  Developing Control Center for IPOSIM.
  •  Developing Backend, Frontend and maintaining databases of different tools.
  •  Developing and maintaining all the landing pages of Infineon Finder & Selection Tools.
  •  Migrating New Infineon Website from existing Cypress Website.
  •  Maintaining different windows-based Staging and Production servers for publishing circuits for PLECS simulation tool and the deployment for other Infineon tools.
  •  Supporting the Simulation Experts in GIT Flow and releasing the circuits.

February 2020 - April 2020

Senior Full-Stack Web Developer

Metis Systems AG, Berlin (Germany)

Metis Systems AG is a software company which provides solutions for Construction industry. I was responsible for:

  •  Designing and implementing new features in Ueberbau Web App.
  •  Developing backend web services.
  •  API integration among third-party clients.
  •  Generating Reports from a very big amount of data.
  •  Designing the frontend of few modules.

September 2019 - January 2020

Full-Stack Developer

Ijuice Agentur GmbH, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

Ijuice is an agency for design and application development with a focus on digital media. I was responsible for:

  •  Designing and implementing Hybrid Mobile Applications.
  •  Developing Content Management Systems.
  •  API integration among third-party clients.
  •  Configuring and monitoring Ubuntu Servers.

June 2018 - August 2019

Full-Stack Developer – Finance and Administration-IT Department

(Working Student)

koziol »ideas for friends GmbH, Erbach (Germany)

The Koziol »ideas for friends GmbH is a manufacturer of designer articles and home accessories. I was responsible for:

  •  Designing and implementing a proper data sync system among ERP, CRM and MDM.
  •  Developing Master Data Management (MDM) System.
  •  API integration among ERP, CRM, MDM and third-party clients.
  •  Developing Back-end services

January 2018 – May 2018

Back-end Developer

(Working Student)

Bet IT Best GmbH, Frankfurt (Germany)

Bet IT Best is an online sports betting platform that delivers news on sports matches from around the world. I was responsible for:

  •  Developing back-end web services for sports betting, sports news.
  •  Payment API integration and Chat Services.

December 2014 – September 2017

Senior Developer (Team Lead)

Pioneer People Limited, Dhaka (Bangladesh)

Pioneer People Limited is a Value Added Service(VAS) company. It is the partner of all the mobile operators of Bangladesh. My role was a Full-Stack developer there. I was responsible for:

  •  Develop web applications, web services and web apps, native Android apps and backend microservices.
  •  API integration with Mobile Operators and third-party clients.
  •  Leading Development Team.
  •  Supervising Junior members involved in different projects.

May 2014 - November 2014

Assistant Manager(IT)

Inforev Limited, Dhaka (Bangladesh)

Inforev Limited is a Value Added Service(VAS) provider. It was the first Value Added Service provider in Bangladesh. I was responsible for:

  •  Developing web applications and back-end microservices
  •  API integration with Mobile Operators and third-party clients and Monitor Linux servers.

Personal Skills

Technology Skills

Languages and Frameworks : C#, .NET Core, Java, Spring Boot, Java Server Faces (JSF), Vue.js, React.js, Angular 8, Ionic, JavaScript ES9, TypeScript, Cordova, Redux, Jest, Knex, GraphQL, Jersey, ASP.NET MVC, Android, PHP 7, Codeigniter, Processwire CMS, Kirby CMS, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery, Bootstrap, Firebase, X-Path, C++.
Databases MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Informix, SQLite, MongoDB(noSQL).
Application Servers Wildfly, GlassFish, Jetty, Nginx, Apache, IIS
API, Protocol, ORM and Architectural Style Hibernate, JPA, Java Message Service(JMS), SOAP, REST
Version Control : GIT with Smart GIT Flow, used with Bitbucket, Gitlab, Github.
Development Tools : Vagrant, npm, Pentaho etc.
Collaboration and Project Management Tools : Webex, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Jira
Operating System : Mac OSX, RedHat, Ubuntu, Windows
CLI : Unix Terminal (Bash)
Code Editors & IDE : Eclipse, Netbeans, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Spring Tool Suite, Android Studio
UI/UX : Well experienced in developing good User Experience for complex scenarios with eye safe colors.
Other Technologies : Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Talend

Mother Tongue(s)


Other Langulage(s)

Listening Reading Spoken Interaction Spoken Production -
English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1
German A2 A2 A2 A2 A1
Hindi C1 - C1 C1 -
Urdu C1 - C1 C1 -

Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication Skills

I have earned a good communication skill by working with a lot of clients and project managers from different countries even with weak English speakers.


▪ Lead development teams and supervised Junior Developers.
▪ Played Class Representative role in School and University.
▪ Founding member of two renowned cultural club in Bangladesh - “Dhrubotara Techno-Cultural Club” and “Kaler Kantho Shuvo Songho”.
▪ Won 2nd prize as Best Speaker in Inter University debating competition.
▪ Won 3rd prize in Inter University programming contest.
▪ Won Sunrise-Star award from whole Bangladesh by performing an analytical test in 2009.


Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®)

Issuing Organization

Scrum Alliance

Credential ID


Credential URL


▪ ACM Solver.
▪ Attended many programming contests.
▪ Configured LAB for Inter Dept. programming contest.
▪ Reading and writing blogs about different technologies.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh.

Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in Information Technology
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.


